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Wildcraft Workshops
(Adenostoma fasciculatum) The leaves can be distilled in a carrier oil, then mixed with bees wax to create an effective balm that treats, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and skin irritations when used daily.
Deer Weed
(Acmispon Glaber) A section of the root can be dug up and processed down to be used as a natural soap and shampoo.
Hoary Leaved Ceanothus
(Ceanothus crassifolius) The flowers can be mixed with water and used as soap. The leaves and flowers can be distilled in a carrier oil and used externally. It is fantastic for the skin, hair and even does well as a light but effective aroma therapy.
Laurel Sumac
(Malosma) A poultice of the leaves can treat skin rashes and chapped lips. Some parts can also be processed to help with sunburns and blisters.
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